Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My hairs naturaly wavy how do i get it to be straight with out using hair straightners all the time???

Use a high power blow dryer with a flat brush, and don't wait too long to blow dry your hair or it will be harder to dry straight. Ionized blow dryers help control frizzy hair. Once your finished use a bit of flexible hairspry to prevent fly-aways.

If you're concerned about damaging your hair from heat sytlying, but you MUST straighten your hair, it's better to let your hair naturally dry, and use a ceramic hair straightener. It's the least damaging compared to any other method, but not everyone has time for that.

Remember to use a product that protects your hair from heat styling whenever you choose to do so.

If you're looking for a way to straighten your hair with the use of no heat stylers what-so-ever, you can go to a salon and have your hair chemically straightened. That's even worse for your hair though, especially if you've dyed or hair or plan to dye your hair in the future.My hairs naturaly wavy how do i get it to be straight with out using hair straightners all the time???
Get a chemical relaxer at the salon... it will keep your hair straight until it grows out.My hairs naturaly wavy how do i get it to be straight with out using hair straightners all the time???
Get It Permanantly Straightened By The Hairdressers
get it chemically straightened
you can get strighting hair brush so when you blow dry its like strighting but kinder to your hair hope it helps ( i use this)
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