can any1 tell me dos n dnts?? can we take electrical stuff on planes in ya siutcase?? arrgghh help! lol im flyin from heathrow tomro headin to dubai woohoo!!! any infomation bout luggage or anythin i shud no let me no thank u!!Im flyin for first time tomoro nite!! r u allowed to take hair straightners in ya siutcase? lol?
yes its ok as long as it goes in the holdIm flyin for first time tomoro nite!! r u allowed to take hair straightners in ya siutcase? lol?
Oooh enjoy dubai!! Yeah of course you can take can even put it in your hand luggage! My mum travelled with a hand held sewing machine in her hand luggage, needles and all and no-one said a thing! :O But no straighteners are fine...its liquid ur not allowed, liquid and any sharp items that could be construed as a weapon. Any liquids like creams or whatever have to be less 100ml and you have to keep them in a clear plastic bag for inspection, if they are more than 100ml you will be forced to throw them away.
If you really want some cold drink or something just buy it after you have gone through the security check, any amount of liquid bought in duty free is allowed onto the plane.
I always take me straightners with me but usually in my suitcase just incase.
I suggest packing clothes in your hand luggage because it can be up to 7kg normally and 7kgs of clothes is quite alot!! :D
Always keep your camera and batteries in your hand luggage in case you see something when you land that you really want to take a picture of...then you can get to your camera really quickly :)
Are you flying emirates....I've flown them to Dubai and they are amazing....make sure you have space for the amount of food you get!
Have a wonderful flight and holiday!! :)
Yea, I think it should work.... but just for safetys sake I sometimes make sure I put that stuff down below, instead of carry-on.... and in case you didn't know all this.... you should make sure you don't have any liquids that you carry on, you may just have to leave that behind... put all that in your down below luggage... you may be able to put a few liquid stuff in a ziplock back and carry that on (though I've heard that may not be possible anymore either). Either way, happy flying! Hope you enjoy it.
Yes, but it has to be in a small bag. Also, if you are bringing any creams that go with the straightener, you have to be careful. Actually, with any creams, there is a certain size bottle that you are allowed to bring. And, toothpaste and other stuff like that has to be in a clear tube. ( dumb I know )
Yes. Don't forget to take a travel adaptor!
Domestic supply is 220 volts. Sockets suitable for three-pin 13 amp plugs of British standard design are the norm, however it is a good idea to bring an adaptor with you just in case. Adaptors can be purchased in local supermarkets. Appliances purchased in the UAE will generally have two-pin plugs attached.
Yes you can take on straighteners, you can look up the airline online and give you all the regulations. Anything liquid has to be under I think 7 ounces, so hairspray and any liquid hair products. And you cant put batteries in the suitcase that you check.
yes u can i have, might be different if u have heat styling products that contain gas though , if your still unsure ask your travel agent, don't put anything sharp in hand luggage like nail files or scissors they will get taken off you, have a nice holiday
My girlfriend took hair straighteners in her case from America to England so it should be all good. Too bad she was too stupid to know American things don't work in England. Keep that kind of thing in mind.
Yep, no probs there. Google the airport, then luggage allowances.
Have a great time.
if dat wuz me i wud take ma straightner wit me to dah plane cuz dey throw dah luggages mad dhard n dey kud break em so yake it on dah plane wit u as carry-on
yes you can
Its fine to take anything electrical in your suitcase.
Just not in your hand luggage
Have a nice trip =)
Yeah Definatly I wouldnt go anywhere without mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't see why not... its not like hair straightener burns can kill people, and there has to be better club like items out there.... lol.
Yes Lol
i took mine in hand lauguage a few weeks ago, and i got stopped and they threw them away!!!! !
Do not put them in hand luggage bu they are fine in your suitcase!! I would not travel without my GHDS!!
Make sure it doesn't look like a bomb.
yeah thats fine just put them in your case not hand luggage
Of course !!
Just not in ur hand luggage.
Have fun - travelling in the air is AMAZING.. =]
Monday, January 23, 2012
Im flyin for first time tomoro nite!! r u allowed to take hair straightners in ya siutcase? lol?
hair straightners
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