yes there a re great knock-off straightners like the CHI at sallys beauty supply I bought a GVP for about $50 which is great, but it was on sale at the time for like black friday but I'm pretty sure its only 60 bucks. Great deal, it works wonderfully and you can a lot of different colors and designs, i have hot pink snake skin. Works just as good as the chi my friend has one of those and doesnt even let people touch it since she spent so much goddamn money on it and this works just as well,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair09-06Are there Chi ';knock-off'; hair straightners?
The chi one is okay! But when you straight your hair it kinda give you a curve to your hair isn't give your hair so straight at all! You should rather get the GHD! Watch this video clip to compare which one.>
I got a purple one.
It didnt last very long at all. Your better off just going to solia.
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